Rockland Neighbourhood Association: Board of Directors  2016
 R O C K L A N D   N E I G H B O U R H O O D   A S S O C I A T I O N
 P . O .   B o x   5 2 7 6
 S t a t i o n   B ,   1 6 2 5   F o r t   S t r e e t
 V i c t o r i a ,   B . C .
 V 8 R   6 N 4
[Email links have been provided for members of the Board related to their Office or Committee.  Please send your correspondence to the appropriate address.]


President:  Janet Simpson  (President) (Woodland Garden)

Vice- President: 
Bob June (Land Use) (Vice-President)

Secretary:  Susan Simpson (Secretary)

  John Edwards    (Treasurer
) (Heritage) (Newsletter)
Past-President: Vacant


Lawrence Bortoluzzi (Land Use)

Aimee Botje (Land Use)

David Clark (Environment)


Vanessa Dingley (Traffic) (Safety and Emergency Preparedness) (Graffiti) (Tenants)

Marc Hunter  (Social) (Events)

David McWalter (Land Use)

Stephen Roughley (Communications) (Social) (Events)

          City of Victoria Liaison: Councillor Pam Madoff

Web Site:   (Webmaster)

Email Service:

Membership Service: Renewals, Address changes, New, Unsubscribe.  (Membership)