Rockland Neighbourhood Association:  Minutes of the Board

Meeting of Board of Directors

December 12th, 2007

Directors Present: Doreen Mueller, Janet Simpson, Dave Clark, John Weaver, Wayne Poohachoff,  Steve Peace,  John Edwards, Mitch Hammond

Regrets: Henry Phillips, Bea Holland

Summary of decisions and action items:
•    ACTION: MH draft letter to Shell Station; summarize conference call.
•    ACTION: Traffic concerns will be raised with CALUC.
•    ACTION: MH will copy 1322 Rockland Heritage Renovation plan material to the LU(z) committee.
•    ACTION: DM to draft a letter to City re Shell Station process, and implications for trees at 1322 Rockland.
•    ACTION: Send the LUC report on Verrinder Avenue redevelopment to the developed and the City.
•    ACTION garden committee to write to the City to request a conservation covenant.
•    ACTION: MH will draft a new letter of support for Craigdarroch Care home.

Meeting called to order at 19:10

1.    Agenda:       Motion to accept as amended  (DC/JS)        Carried
New items
o    Craigdarroch Care home
o    Shell Station
o    CALUC
o    1322 Rockland update
o    Conflict of interest

2.    Minutes of November 14th 2007
Motion to approve   (JW/MH)            Carried

3.    Correspondence, Telephone and E-mail
o    Brian Sikstrom - Information from Large and Co. re: heritage restoration plan – anticipates January 10 or 24 for Committee of the Whole consideration of 1322 Rockland development.
o    Government House social January 10th
o    Meet the new LG –
o    All RNA membership invited
o    SP sent the membership list to Government House.
o    Lloyd Ollila chair of nomination committee;
o    Don Hamilton and Katherine LeSeur, as members
o    Conflict of interest information
o    Norman Clark - Speed Bumps in Germany - their solution
o    JS email - revised garden description on Website (done)

4.    Business Arising:
o    Fernwood meeting with Corey Manton, Arborist
o    Public meeting on Shell Station - plan had trees, boulevard.
o    Residents surprised that trees removed.
o    First draft agreed to keep trees, but by the time Underground services, design panel, engineering,  etc gave their specifications, trees were compromised, and therefore gone
o    There is nothing in the process that brings the revisions back to the neighbourhood for review.
o    Developer gave  $25,000 to the city to undertake new landscaping, - large, established trees - supported by an irrigation system.

DISCUSSION: What implications for 1322 Rockland? –
Within the house envelope, trees can be removed. Even those trees that are flagged for retention are likely to be compromised as their drip line intersects the building envelope.
What process to maximize tree protection? –  suggestions:
o    $10,000 bond for tree survival, as an alternative to iterative referral?
o    Conditions attached to development permit, not to developer.

o    Changes to access, egress too late.
o    Rules at the time did not require notification of Rockland Neighbourhood Association.
o    Safety concerns not acknowledged by City staff, but they will do a review, after one year.

ACTION - MH draft letter to Shell Station; summarize conference call.
ACTION - Traffic concerns will be raised with CALUC.

o    CALUC meeting
o    Need a process that refers back to Neighbourhoods for substantial changes (density, form, option for second public meeting).
o    Next iteration - a redraft of notice to ALL residents within 100 m regardless of neighbourhood boundaries.
o    Notice comes back to LUC chair on number of notices sent out to assist with securing an appropriate venue.

Motion (DC/SP) - to send out the draft letter as amended over the signature of RNA
President.         Carried

o    1322 update Heritage renovation plan done for Large and Co by Don Luxton. Cost of renovation of the main house estimated at $3M.

ACTION - MH will copy material received to the LU(z) committee.

o    Committee of the Whole could review 1322 Rockland on  January 10th or 24th. Suggest a notice to membership on or about January 2nd with a heads up on status and possible Committee of the Whole dates - last chance for registering your concerns by phone, by mail, or by showing up at Committee of the Whole.

ACTION - DM to draft a letter to City including the following point:
o    Outcome of the Shell Station development raises our level of concern and  prompts us to recommend that City require a substantial bond to assure maximum care to heritage trees at 1322 Rockland.

o    Verrinder Avenue redevelopment
o    House moved forward on lot, and existing turret will continue to intrude on setback, therefore requires variance.

Motion  (DC/JS) to send the LUC report, as revised, to the developer and to the
City.     Carried

5.    New Business
o    Newsletter
o    sent out by email to those on the list, and send hard two copies to those not on the list, with a request that recipient pass one copy along to a prospective neighbour.

o    AGM
o    Speaker - Water - Jack Hull, (alternate  Nils Jensen).

Motion (DC/JW) to approve an Honorarium of $100 for AGM keynote speaker.

ACTION JW will draft a letter of invitation over DS signature.

o    Nominations - Lloyd Ollila suggests a notice (3rd class postal distribution) to all residents requesting nominations and new members.

o    Woodland Garden - covenant to ensure long term retention as a woodland garden with an extension focus.

Motion – (DC/WP) that the garden committee draft a letter to the City to request a conservation covenant to ensure retention as a woodland garden.        Carried

o    Craigdarroch Care home
o    renovations, upgrades and changes to the exterior facade. Previously LUC report was included within the body of a letter from the RNA board that spoke to the merits of the proposal, listing a few concerns.
o    Proponent has asked for an additional letter of support

ACTION MH will draft a new letter noting that we have previously outlined the merits of the proposal, and detailed minor concerns (copy attached). In balance we support the proposal. 

o    Greenway Plan has identified Rockland properties that are potential candidates for easements that may contribute to the Pemberton trail. Craigdarroch Rest Home has been approached to grant such an  easement.
o    RNA board has previously approved the process in principle, but is mute on any individual negotiation between a developer and the City.

6.    Committee Reports
o    JW attended the Police Board meeting.

7.    Close of meeting -
Motion: To adjourn     (DC/JS)                Carried    

Meeting adjourned at 21:20