Rockland Neighbourhood Association:  Minutes of the Board

Minutes of Board of Directors Meeting  Wednesday, 13th November 2013


Attendees: J. Simpson (President), R June (Vice-President), R. Gubby, N. Clark, J. Wheatley, A. Campbell.  Regrets received from: D. Clark, T. Macintosh.

Councillor B. Isitt.

D. Hamilton.

Guest speakers: Brooke Daitl, Parks Development Officer, and Dr. Michelle Gorman, Integrated Pest Management Coordinator, City of Victoria Parks Department. 

Guests: Sue Simpson, Vanessa Dingley.


1)    Meeting called to order by J. Simpson @ 7:00PM.

2)    Motion: to approve the Agenda: propd RG, 2nd RJ, carried unanimously.

3)    Minutes of previous meeting 9th October 2013: corrections noted as follows:

a)    Item # 6, the letter was printed in Victoria News;

b)    Under Gardens “Wild” should have been “Woodland”

Motion: to approve the Minutes: propd JW, 2nd RG, carried unan.


4)    Business arising from previous minutes: Tree bylaw presentation by Brooke Daitl, Parks Development Officer. 

Mr. Daitl summarized his role and responsibilities, as did Dr. Gorman.  Questions from the floor were then invited.

RG raised the issue of trees being removed recently apparently without any permit or consultation with neighbours; three examples were cited (Rockland , Craigdarroch and Manor).  Mr. Daitl responded that in each case the tree was removed under a permit after inspection by him.  In each case there was loss of structural integrity due to past damage.  He noted that no tree can be removed without a permit.  The process can be appealed and a survey done by an independent arborist as necessary.  Insurance considerations sometimes arise. 

A question was asked regarding enforcement of the replacement policy on Garry Oaks of 2 for 1; Mr. Daitl explained the difficulties attendant on enforcing this bylaw; the deposits must be returned after a 3-year period, and there are insufficient resources to monitor replantings and their upkeep.  A further complication arises from the lack of a good source of saplings; this has been rectified to some extent by the formation of a sapling nursery under the auspices of the City. 

R.J. raised the concern that notification by way of signage was not provided in any of the examples cited above, thus not allowing any opportunity for discussion and review by the community.  Mr. Daitl explained that advance signage is not enforced on private property, although the bylaw makes no such exemption. 

It was suggested that perhaps the bylaw was overdue for a review; Mr. Daitl said this was anticipated within the next three years. 

JW raised a concern about the building envelope aspect of the bylaw being a virtual carte blanche permit to developers to remove trees in new constructions; this is of current interest in connection with the permit application for 1082 Richmond.  Mr. Daitl said that a review of tree removal/protection was a part of the building permit approval process, and that if necessary, revision of the building envelope to ensure neighbouring tree protection is enforced. 

In response to a question about the recently noted spread of tree fungal infections, Dr. Gorman spoke at length about tree diseases prevalent in the area.  It typically takes at least 5 years before a disease becomes apparent; we are now seeing the results of damage incurred during the housing construction boom of the 1960’s.  The natural lifetime of a Garry Oak was 5–600 years, whereas it is typically 100 years today. 

A RNA subcommittee was formed to review Tree Preservation Bylaw 05-106 and submit recommendations for updating to the City via Councillor Isitt.  JW will chair; committee members will be V. Dingley and S. Simpson. 

Action: JW to prepare recommendations for an update of the Tree Preservation Bylaw.


5)    Webmaster’s Report - Don Hamilton

DH presented some statistics on “before and after” website hits relating to the email notification to members, demonstrating the effectiveness of same; he believes better publicity/promotion of the RNA is needed and made some useful suggestions (fridge magnets and brochures to distribute at public events). 

Motion: to authorize expenditure of $150.00 (approx.) to purchase fridge magnets:
propd JW, 2nd AC, carried unan.

DH further suggested that more advantage be taken of opportunities to publicize the RNA via press reports of events such as the Nick Russell lecture.  RG suggested that a Publicity committee be formed, either as a stand-alone committee or perhaps more logically as a subcommittee of the Communications Committee.  JS undertook to look into brochures. 

Action: JS to investigate brochure possibilities and report back.

DH then introduced a New Business agenda item.  He feels that in view of the continued success of the “Adopt-a-Pole” program, there is no further need for the Graffiti committee, and he is therefore disbanding same as of this time and date. 


6)    Councillor’s Report (B. Isitt)

Councillor Isitt reported on the deliberations lately held on the subject of amalgamation; a recommendation has gone to Council on a public referendum, the question to be put being “Are you in favour of reducing the number of Municipalities in Greater Victoria through amalgamation?”  Councillor Isitt briefly addressed some of the potential problems ensuing from a vote to proceed with amalgamation.  He believes that it may not be in the best interests of every community, although consolidation of emergency services seems desirable. 

He also reported on the Transportation Workshop (which was attended by three RNA Directors); recommendations from the workshop are in the process of being drafted into a proposal for consideration by Council. 

RJ raised a question about the new development proposal for 1082 Richmond Avenue and the amenities package which was unintentionally omitted during the first round of approval.  The developer is regarding the revised proposal as a new application, although it not clear that the Planning Department are in accord with this view.  The floor/space ratio has increased from 1.56:1 on the initial proposal to 2:1 on the current one.  Councillor Isitt said that the formula for determining the amenities package is being looked at by staff; they have been directed to come up with a revised formula within 1 to 2 months.  RJ questioned how a revised proposal could logically be submitted with a higher ratio than the one previously denied; Councillor Isitt said that possibly the developer has anticipated a new directive under consideration by the Planning Dept.  

NC asked Councillor Isitt for a copy of the list of workshop attendees and email addresses, who said that that would be possible. 

RG raised a personal issue to BI claiming nothing had been done about the Richmond concerns.  NC corrected RG.  Considerable work (much more than usual or, in fact, warranted) has been done on the Richmond concerns.  A letter regarding Richmond traffic concerns supported by photographs and info from attendance at the sites was submitted to the City (Oct 9), discussed at length with City staff (Oct 16) and City response letter (Oct 23) received (N. B. some directors have not seen this letter, nor the reply).  NC briefly recited the individual Richmond concerns and the City's position.  (RNA directors are aware, or should be, of the Richmond concerns from prior meetings.)  NC said he has serious concerns about the City's responses to both the Richmond and Warren Gardens concerns and City's general approach to taxpayers' concerns.  BI offered to assist.  NC declined, at this premature time, because the results are confidential, more work and consultation with WG residents and the RNA Traffic Chairperson is needed before sharing with BI and directors.  RG asked for copies of the above-referenced letters.  NC declined, at this time, for the same reasons.

Action: NC will engage / discuss with WG residents leaders and JS


7)    Committee Reports

a)    Land Use: a follow-up letter on the issues regarding 1322 Rockland has been sent to the City.

b)    Communications: no time allowed. 

c)     Traffic: no time allowed. 

d)    Social: no time allowed. 

e)    Safety: no recent activity on the noise issue on Despard; the joint RNA/Block Watch meeting on Crime Prevention has been cancelled due to lack of response. 

f)     Membership and Welcome: no time allowed. 

g)    Graffiti: now disbanded, see above.

h)    Garden: no time allowed.  


8)    Letters, email, phone calls:  Tabled to next meeting.


9)    New Business

a)    Community Gardens (JS): tabled to next meeting.

b)    Follow-up letter on 1322 Rockland issues (RJ): see above.

c)     Website updates (RG): marked-up corrections passed to JS to action. 


10) Date and place of next meeting: 11th December, Volunteers Cottage, Government House

                                                          If unable to attend, please advise D. Clark (250) 383-3764

Motion to adjourn: propd JW, 2nd RJ, @ 9:00PM.