Rockland Neighbourhood Association:  Minutes of the Board

Meeting of Board of Directors

November 10th, 2004

Directors Present: Catherine Spencer, Helmut Hissen, Doris Schuh, Leida-Marie Grant, Brian Allen, Giorgio Amarilli, Susan Bartol-Drinker, Linda Foubister, Ethelyn McInnes-Rankin.

Regrets: Dave Clark, Jane Lunt, Mary Picard

Guests: City Planner Brian Sikstrom; Councillor Chris Coleman

Presentation on City Planning Division by Brian Sikstrom, City Planner
What does the Planning Division do? Its mandate is to advise on the best choices for change to use and density of private property (and where invited, public lands, such as streets, parks and greenways). Most of the work deals with private property and land use changes.
Brian provided the following documents: the planners’ responsibility map (Brian is the Planner for Rockland); 2003 Annual Report on Triple Bottom Line (economic, social and environmental), Organization Chart, Work Plan and Citizen’s Guide to the Rezoning Process.
Organizational Structure: The Director is Jack Basey and there are 6.5 planners, with a 0.5 heritage planner to be added this month.
Work Plan for 2004: adopted by City Council on June 10, the work plan includes updating Neighbourhood Plans. This year, work was undertaken to update the Humbodlt Valley, Rock Bay and Downtown Plans. The Rockland Plan will not be updated this year or next but its update is in the 5 year plan.
Projects: Role of Community Associations in Planning, Adaptable Housing (Access), Secondary Suites, Density Bonus, Tree Protection Bylaw.
Rezoning in Rockland included 1006/1020 St. Charles, 824 Richmond and 1322 Rockland.

Meeting called to order at 20:35.

1.  Agenda:  Motion to accept: (EMR/SBD)    Carried

2. Minutes of October 13, 2004:  Motion to accept (SBD/HH)  Carried

3. Correspondence:
- Crime in Rockland: Responses from the Mayor, the Chief Judge, and the Attorney General. The RNA’s meeting with the Police Chief went well. Next step is to ask other Neighbourhood Associations if they wish to join us in requesting better deterrents for neighbourhood crime. Once the new Prime System is up, reports of crime statistics will be available. HH may be invited to attend the Conference of Police Chiefs.

4. Councillor's Report: Chris Coleman:
- Planning Division Presentation: There is a desperate need for more planners. Shared revenues from traffic fines have allowed for 8 new police officers, but there are budget pressures with respect to increasing other staff.
- Support to seniors: Rockland Director Mary Picard is providing needed support to a neighbouring senior with no family in Rockland.
- Pruning trees or hedges overhanging sidewalks: This is a concern. The City can send crews in to prune vegetation over public property; neighbours can prune to shared property line.
- Recreation Renewal: Neighbourhood meetings have been held. A report to Council is expected by Jan./Feb. 2005.
- Dogs off Leash: A report on 6 parks will go to Committee of the Whole on Nov. 18.
- Integrated Pest Management (IPM): The CRD Environment Round Table praised Victoria’s efforts on IPM, led by Dr. Michelle Gorman. Pesticide use is not permitted for cosmetic reasons. Four playing fields have been treated as they have exceeded the guideline of more than 70% weeds. The treatment will give 10 years protection. New provincial regulations are expected in early 2005.
- 824 Richmond: Concern was expressed by the RNA about the location of the driveway off Richmond Avenue, rather than the back lane.
Chris Coleman left the meeting at 9:15 pm.

5. Correspondence:  (Continued)
- Council Appointments to Advisory Committees, etc. is posted on City web-site under "What’s New". The City is receiving applications until Nov. 12.
- Leaf  Pick-Up: November 15-26 in Rockland
- By law meeting: A public hearing on a zoning regulation bylaw restricting the use of older small lots to garages and sheds will be held at 7:30 on November 18, 2004 at City Hall.
- City of Victoria Council minutes
- Craigdarroch Castle Christmas Events

6.  Committee Reports
- The Lotbiniere Avenue Greenways Project proposal was discussed. The project notes concerns about traffic on Lotbiniere and proposes a Greenways plan to address these concerns and improve safety of non-motorized users.
- Motion: The RNA recommends that measures be taken to address the unique traffic safety concerns on Lotbiniere Avenue (LF/GA): Carried. (HH abstained).
- The City will be advised about the motion.
- BC Hydro was requested to remove graffiti from telephone poles on St. Charles Street, but it is not clear if action was taken.

Garden - EMR
- The new railing has now been installed in the garden.
Catherine Spencer and Giorgio Amarilli donated plants.
The arbutus, ocean spray, flowering red currant and ferns have now been planted.
- The Committee needs a volunteer with carpentry skills to build a compost box. Please contact Janet Simpson, Ethelyn McInnes-Rankin or Father Anthony if you are interested.
- Next step is an inventory map of plants.
- Eccoclear was noted as an environmentally friendly herbicide, now approved for use.

Land Use -
- A report on the proposed development of 1322 Rockland will be sent to the neighbours email list.
- A meeting of adjacent neighbours is being organized to discuss the proposal.
Newsletter -
- The RNA will partner with the Fairfield Community Association to add four pages to the Fairfield Observer, which will come out in early January, 2005. The cost to the RNA will be $400.

Social -
- The RNA social will be next week on Wednesday, November 17th from 7-9 p.m. Three Directors will attend.

- The City of Victoria responded to the RNA’s letter on Despard Avenue and advised that the two Despard Avenue projects will be taken into consideration as part of the review of the remaining projects in the Neighbourhood Transportation Management Plan for funding in 2005.

- Topics discussed at the last meeting included recreation renewal, the casino proposal, sewage and the role of C.A.N. It was agreed that C.A.N. can take a stance on issues, consult, then take a united stance.
- Affordable Housing: A proposed $2/household fee to go to a Trust Fund for affordable housing was discussed at a meeting, with many speakers in favour of affordable housing.

Walking Tour
- The Tour will be included in RNA’s section of the Fairfield Observer. The next step is to develop and print the East and West Rockland brochures.
- The CFAX program on the Rockland tour went well.
- Motion that Linda Foubister be recognized for the CFAX show and getting media recognition for the Tour (HH/GA):    Carried.

Land Use Coordinating Committee
- There will be a meeting next week with Alison Meyer, City Planner, to discuss procedures on rezoning, land use proposals, etc. This is the only meeting left to finalize procedures.  There is no agreement on principles.
- Spaxman Management Review of Planning Division: There have been two reports to date, with the final report expected soon.

7. New Business:
- Gifts for Volunteers: Possible gifts would be t-shirts or shopping bags with the RNA logo embroidered on them. US companies on Internet can provide service at a reasonable cost. HH to do costing on the options and report.

8. Date and Place of Next Meeting:
 December 8, 2004 at 7:30 p.m. in the Government House Volunteers’ Centre
9. Close of meeting -
Motion: To adjourn        Carried

Meeting closed at 22:25.