Rockland Neighbourhood Association:  Minutes of the Board
Rockland Neighbourhood Association

Meeting of Board of Directors

October 13th, 2004

Friends of Government House Meeting Room

Directors Present: Catherine Spencer, Helmut Hissen, Doris Schuh,
        Brian Allen, Giorgio Amarilli, Susan Bartol-Drinker,
        Linda Foubister, Mary Picard, Leida-Marie Grant (at 7:40).

Regrets: Dave Clark, Jane Lunt, Ethelyn McInnes-Rankin

Guest: Councillor Chris Coleman (at 7:45)

Meeting called to order at 19:30

1.  Agenda:  Motion to accept: (BA/GA)    Carried

2. Update on Rockland Woodland Garden: Janet Simpson
Volunteers ­ Janet, Ethelyn McInnes-Rankin, Michael Rankin, and Father Anthony -  have been adding, moving, massing plants, and composting, as well as planting about 300 salvaged Camas bulbs in the garden. Janet proposed a brief slide show on the garden at the next AGM. A railing will be installed along the stairs to provide for safety and stability, as previously approved. The railing will cost $1,000 plus GST, selected from three estimates, and will be made of black iron, 23 feet long, with 5 posts. Sword ferns will be mass planted to stabilize the soil. Offers of sword ferns gratefully accepted.

3. Minutes of September 8, 2004:  Motion to accept   Carried

2. Councillor's Report: Chris Coleman:
- Letter on greater penalties by courts: CS to meet with Police Chief on Oct. 15
- 1322 Rockland: two meetings were held with neighbours to discuss a new design. There is concern about size of the proposal (61 units).
- The issue of aging seniors with no family in Rockland may be addressed by an Ombudsman on the Board. This position could build role in community, and encourage the community to provide support and contact with seniors.
- Dogs off Leash: On Oct. 28, 2-3 parks will open, 5 more in spring, others later.
- Recreation Renewal: A meeting held in Vic West on October 12 was attended by 30 (out of 5400 residents). They want a larger center. They support the hub proposal, but satellites are an issue. On October 20, Rockland neighbours are invited to meet at City Hall.
- Shasta Place: cluster lighting project moving ahead
- Despard Avenue concerns: not yet addressed

- In response to a question about an ad on Gonzales Hill, it was noted that signs on private property depend upon zoning. If zoned for a business, the size would be subject  to guidelines.
- Conferences attended: UBCM, Kelowna, Sept. 21; Federation of Canadian Municipalities, Edmonton, May & June; Canadian Capital Cities Committee, Quebec City, June (Capital cities have heritage values, may be ecclesiastical centers, and are often waterfronts).

Chris Coleman left the meeting at 8:23 pm.

3. Financial report       Moved to accept, Carried.
- General Account: $5,619.54;
- Matching Grant    $2,236.89;
- Garden                  $2,091.50;
- Walking Tour       $2,000.

4. Correspondence:
- Healthy Saanich Community Workshop on Sat. Nov. 6, 8:30-1:30
- Friends of Government House: Membership Renewal
Motion: to renew membership at a cost of $50. Carried
- AGM on Oct. 16 at 9:30 at Government House, Cary Bulletin
- City of Victoria minutes for Sept. 16 and 30, 2004
- Dogs in Parks Questionnaire
- Recreation Renewal meeting on October 20, City Hall, at 7 pm
- Open House Comments Summary
- Community Association’s Role in City Planning, Sept. 7
- Operational Review of Victoria’s Planning Division, Questionnaire, Sept. 27
- Newspaper article: Growth Opponents Threaten Victoria’s Future
- Flyer on Proposed Pub in Fairfield Plaza
- Rockland Vandalism: Meeting with Police Chief in response to July letter
- Police statistics on monthly basis will be requested.
- Email: A path from Pemberton to St. Charles St. was proposed. Councillor Denise Savoie has a $100,000 grant to look at a grand overview of Pathways.
- Telephone Calls: SBD had a call about 1322 Rockland regarding individual meetings with proponent. Discussed need for joint meetings and discussion.

6.  Committee Reports

- Emails reminding neighbours about numbers to call to remove graffiti and City policy on graffiti on private property were sent out. There was concern about BC Hydro not removing graffiti from telephone poles. May need to send letter to City Council about this concern.

Garden -
-     The Board would like a tour of the garden to see the rare plants.

Land Use -
- Proposed development of 1322 Rockland is a concern. The latest proposal is at the concept stage. The single strata title features a long building with 47 units on west side to look like three heritage houses, 3-4 one level units at the rear, 2 units restored in the coach house, and the original house as single family.
- Next steps: the LUC will meet later in the month. More definitive plans will be needed before having a neighbourhood meeting.

Newsletter -
- A new editor is needed. An email asking for someone to coordinate and produce the newsletter will go out. The Board will retain editorial approval.

Social -
- Wednesday, November 17th from 7-9 p.m. at a cost of $8 a person (based on 100 people). The budget will be $1500. There will not be an open bar but there will be recorded music.

- The City Police advised that Rockland Avenue will be added to the list of locations that the police will consider for an assertive enforcement campaign in the near future.
- It was noted that there is a concern about speeding on Rockland at night.
- An email was sent to the neighbours giving the schedule for upcoming emergency program workshops.

- Burnside-Gorge is concerned about a proposed casino at Traveller’s Inn. They asked each Neighbourhood Association to write, questioning the process of development. It was decided that the RNA would not write a letter as it is not clear what is being requested.

Land Use Coordinating Committee
- Meeting on Community Association’s Role in City Planning was held on Sept. 28 from 5-9. HH sent out minutes and info for the next meeting on the Communication Protocol. Are LUCs supposed to be part of community associations? The committees differ for each community.
- On October 6, HH dined with Spaxman Consulting Group who are doing the Operational Review of the Planning Department, and discussed need for change.
- On October 19, LUCC meeting with Planning Dept. to define role.
- On October 26, there will be an afternoon workshop. LMG may attend. HH will attend as head of LUCC.
- On November 23, documentation resources.

Walking Tour
- The Tour is now on-line at the RNA web-site.
- A news release was sent out to announce the on-line tour.
- LF will be on CFAX’s Remember When on Sunday, October 24 from 2-3 to talk about the tour.

7. New Business:
- The North Park Neighbourhood Association called about vandals and property crime. HH suggested a Directors Exchange between Neighbourhood Associations (one at a time).

8. Date and Place of Next Meeting:
 November 10th, 2004 at 7:30 p.m. in the Government House Volunteers’ Centre
 City Planners will attend.

9. Close of meeting -
Motion: To adjourn    Carried

Meeting closed at 22:25.