Rockland Neighbourhood Association:  Minutes of the Board

Rockland Neighbourhood Association

Meeting of the Board of Directors

1401A Rockland Avenue

October 12, 2016


Present:  Janet Simpson (JS), Bob June (BJ), Dave Clark (DC), John Edwards (JE),  Dave McWalter (DM),  Sue Simpson (SS), Stephen Roughley (SR), Pamela Madoff (PM), Vanessa Dingley (VD), Gary Pemberton (GP)


Absent:  Aimée Botje (AB), Marc Hunter (MH), Lawrence Bortoluzzi (LB)


Guests:  Andrea Hudson, Don Hamilton


Meeting called to order at 19:02


·       Agenda


o   Motion to approve(JE/SR)

§  Amended to include discussion on ListServ

§  Approved unanimously as amended


·       Andrea Hudson, Assistant Director, Community Planning, Sustainable Planning and Community Development Department


o   Experiences to date with the local area planning LAP) process in other neighbourhoods  were shared

o   Rockland LAP will begin in 2017

o   LAP is a multi-step process

§  Meet with the neighbourhood association

§  Meet with the community

§  Project plan is done by the city

§  A working group is established

§  Visioning sessions are held

§  Co-planning is done

§  LAP is written

o   LAP is not adopted as a by-law

§  If OCP and LAP conflict, effort will be made to bring them into alignment


o   LAP will become a standing item on the RNA Board meeting agendas


·       Minutes of September 14, 2016


o   Motion to approve(DM/JE)

§  Approved unanimously


·       Councillor’s Report


o   Nothing further to the City of Victoria October 2016 Update for Rockland


·       Calendar Update


o   JE to renew Domain Maintenance

o   Newsletter deadline extended to November 15


·       Business Arising


o   No update on Equity Funding application, website renewal RFP or funds for Canada 150

o   Movie Night

§  Considered to be good for community building and visibility of RNA

§  Future events will be discussed at the November strategy meeting

o   1201 Fort

§  RNA has not seen plans

§  Development application has been submitted to city

§  Developer presents to the LUC on October 17

o   By-laws and constitution

§  Will be discussed at November strategy meeting


·       New Business


o   ListServ Policy/Website

§  Board agreed with Don’s policy proposal

·       Items of broad interest to the membership will be circulated

·       Messages requiring input or response will be handled by the President

·       All commercial and spam messages will be deleted

§  All postings to the website should be sent to Don Hamilton and SR

o   Membership

§  Board gratefully accepted Ian Mayhill’s offer to continue as manager of the membership portfolio

§  Secretary (SS) will be Ian’s Board link

§  Current membership form will be used for 2017

o   GH Event 2017

§  Board suggested that the event be held in the spring

o   Greenway project update

§  Available funding-$5000 from CoV, $2000 from Craigdarroch, $2000 from RNA

§  DC has developed a comprehensive plan to move the project forward                 

·       Identify steering group, confirm plan, inform residents/stakeholders, involve website design committee, meet with city staff                          


·       Meeting was adjourned at 21:06 (BJ/SR)


·       Next Board Meeting-November 9, 2016 @ Marriott at 5:30 pm