Rockland Neighbourhood Association:  Minutes of the Board

Meeting of the Board of Directors


September 14th, 2011


Directors Present: Janet Simpson, Dave Clark, Jane Wheatley, David Hambleton, John Caldwell, John Edwards


Regrets: Bill Brooks, Bob June


Guests:       Geoff Young, Aimee Botje, Norman Clark


Summary of Motions:

·      that the Board receive the revised traffic committee report for information

·      that the board approve up to $150 for the purchase of Microsoft Office software


Call to order at 7:05


1.    Agenda

Motion: (DC/JW)

To approve agenda as amended (add traffic strategy report).       Carried unanimously


2.    Minutes of June 8th, 2011

Motion: (DC/JC) To approve Minutes of June 8th, 2011             Carried unanimously


3.    Traffic Committee Report

AB and NC seek support from the Board for their revised strategy for traffic calming on Rockland Avenue, and hope that their report can be circulated to the membership and to adjacent Neighbourhood and Community Associations for discussion, leading to the next iteration of the City’s Transportation Management Plan.

Discussion: % years ago the city undertook a detailed study and reported high compliance with the speed limit (10 speeders out of 500 vehicles). Another study 3 years ago focused on the Cook Street end of Rockland.

Need statistics and local support to develop and implement an effective strategy.

Motion: (DC/JC) that the Board receive the revised report for information, and consider if it should be distributed to membership in its current form. Carried unanimously


(Aimee Botje and Norman Clark left the meeting)


4.    Councillor’s Report

City Council has accepted Carriage House Guidelines. These standards are to be applied in instances where council decides that such land use is appropriate (i.e., it is not an automatic right to develop a Carriage House. Applications are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. In contrast, development of a basement suite is considered a right of homeowners, providing standards are followed.)

In some areas (e.g., small post-war houses on large lots, with rear laneways) carriage house development may be preferable to a cycle of demolish and rebuild.


Hearing on September 15th on the Downtown Core Area Plan.


Question (BB, via JS) Seek action on the fill issue associated with recent development on Despard Avenue. What is the slumping potential; what engineering assessment was required? Downhill neighbours report new drainage problems on their property as a result of grade manipulation.


Ans: Council is waiting for an explanation from the Planning Department.


(Geoff Young left the meeting)



5.    Committee Reports

Land Use Committee: Propose a new report on grade manipulation. Another issue is the lack of floor-space-ratio in zoning bylaws.


Communications Committee:

Newsletter - Looking for content for the next newsletter.

Website – fix the link to the Walking Tour, and propose new “blind” email addresses –


Welcome Committee: - 10 packages sent out over the summer. Propose some additions and deletions to the enclosed materials.

Membership – about 20 new members and renewals resulted from the social event at Government House in July.


Social Committee: - total expenses for the social function were $2860 for about 100 guests. Included an honorarium for the jazz trio.


Garden Committee: - Snowberry was aggressively competing with planted camas and rhododendrons, and so it has been cleared back. Signs were disassembled and cleaned.



6.    Communications Received

City of Victoria, announcing that 2012 is the 150th anniversary of the founding of the City of Victoria. Think of ways to celebrate this event locally.


7.    New Business

Motion: (DC/DH)

That the board approve up to $150 for the purchase of Microsoft Office software for use on the Secretary’s laptop. Carried, unanimously


8.    Motion – to adjourn at 8:20 PM