Rockland Neighbourhood Association:  Minutes of the Board

Meeting of Board of Directors

September 12th, 2007

Directors Present: Doreen Mueller, Janet Simpson, Dave Clark, John Weaver, John Edwards, Mitch Hammond

Regrets:  Steve Peace,  Henry Phillips, Bea Holland
Absent: Wayne Poohachoff

Observer: Lois Johnson

Summary of decisions and action items:
•    ACTION – JW will send out notice that Glenlyon-Norfolk development will commence January 2008, with link to GNS website for details
•    ACTION – JW will send a notice regarding the public hearing on bylaw for R1A basement definition
•    ACTION – DC will theme and summarize feedback received from the floor of the public meeting
•    ACTION – DM will circulate a draft response to the letter to the editor regarding the Public Meeting

Meeting called to order at 19:05

1.    Agenda:       Motion to accept (JW/ DC)        Carried

2.    Minutes of August 8th 2007
Motion to approve   (DC/JW)            Carried

3.    Keith Elwood presentation – Glenlyon–Norfolk House development plans
•    Five years ago GNS participated in the revitalization of the Gonzales Neighbourhood Plan
•    At that time filed a vision of a campus master plan, and it was incorporated into the GNP.
•    Now, new Headmaster and funds to implement aspects of the plan. Recent Architect drawings have made the “Vision” more concrete.
•    130 households, including some Rockland neighbours in Rockland on Richmond Rd., participated in meetings, design charts, etc.

•    Big differences from the current layout: -
o    Reorient the main field to east-west, incorporating the three rental properties on Richmond owned by GNS;
o    Add a drop-off bay on Richmond frontage of those 3 properties that can also be used for short-term bus parking and loading
o    add a new driveway from Richmond to staff parking - takes pressure off Madison. Transportation engineers point to the slight bend in Richmond as the best spot for driveway, because of maximum visibility.
o    New buildings built around the core of the Gudewill building will eventually replace the 8 or 10 scattered buildings into a denser, more efficient cluster

•    Timing –January or February 2008 may be sod turning, with playing field, performance centre making up Phase 1.

•    Architecture not a big issue with the neighbours; traffic is paramount.
o    GNS School Bus system has been amalgamated with that of St. Michaels – University School.

As soon as the information is available on GNS web site we will post a link from the Rockland web site.

ACTION - send a general notice out to the membership - construction planned to commence January, details on GNS web site.

4.    Correspondence
•    letter from  resident Tara Douglas with opinion on 1322 Rockland development

•    Request from E-Large for a list of attendees
DISCUSSION - approve DM response as drafted

•    Monkhouse emails to DM, responses

•    Confirmation of contact information of RNA

•    Copy of official Rezoning application form for 1322 Rockland

•    Request through Oaklands Neighbourhood Association - do we want to participate in a meeting to galvanize neighbourhoods in a protest over consideration of proposed Highland development of 45 stories, expanding urban containment boundaries? (hearing tomorrow)
Motion: Write an e-mail requesting that CRD send the proposal back to the affected municipalities, allowing them to go to public meeting, not to let the CRD decide on our behalf     (JS/MH)          Carried

DISCUSSION - What business does Rockland have intervening on this issue? The Growth Strategy is recent and this is clearly an out-of-scale variance. The message should be that we take issue with the process, not the application itself. There is a large expenditure of public funds to develop such strategies, and there is an expectation for managed growth respecting the process.

•    Notice of public hearing on bylaw for R1A basement definition Sept 20th 7:30 PM
ACTION – send out notice to the email list - JW

•    Liaison with police board. Invitation to attend meeting September 18th. JW may attend, otherwise DM.

Telephone calls, emails
•    Verrinder Avenue development application needs response by September 17th - move a house - suites added and parking in the back.

•    JW - Garden waste drop off at Garbally Road now free - until 2PM on Saturdays.

5.    Business Arising:
•    Pam Madoff the only councillor seen at the community meeting .
•    30 days to respond to city on results of the community meeting – i.e., a summary of the opinions expressed.
o    Theme the responses and tally the number
o    Provide a breakdown of numbers of attendees.
o    Include the LUC report as an appendix

Motion: develop a summary, with an attachment of the LUC report, and concluding that as the previous applications that have been tabled, we ask them to decline the proposal. (MH/DC)        Carried

ACTION DC will theme and pass that information on to MH who will draft a response to Council.

•    Response - letter to the editor regarding Public Meeting.
ACTION – For a timely response, DM will circulate a draft by email for approval by directors.

6.    Close of meeting -
Motion: To adjourn     (DC/MH)                Carried    

Meeting adjourned at 21:20