Rockland Neighbourhood Association:  Minutes of the Board

Meeting of Board of Directors

August 9th, 2006

Directors Present: Henry Phillips, Janet Simpson, Linda Foubister, Dave Clark, Doris Schuh, Ethelyn McInnes-Rankin, Susan Bartol-Drinker, Doreen Mueller, John Weaver, Mitch Hammond
Regrets: Wayne Poohachoff, Frank Hess,
Guests: Councillor Bea Holland, Catherine Spencer, Kevin Key, James Mitchell

Meeting called to order at 19:05

Agenda:       Motion to accept (as amended):  (LF/DC)        Carried
James Mitchell - affordable Housing Project
Date of last meeting July 12th, not 10th

Minutes of July 12th: Motion to approve (as amended): (DM/LF)    Carried
RNA invited to help with hire of City Manager, not solicitor

Councillor's report
New appointees to Advisory Committees,
Search for city manager ongoing
New process for development cost charges (DCC) to support infrastructure (not repair of existing). Could range from several hundred to several thousand dollars, depending on services required.
Ministry of Environment issued a directive to CRD to plan for sewage treatment
1322 Rockland may or may not be on agenda in August - currently in Planning Department
Question: what role does the planning department analysis play in council decisions? –
Answer: BH – That analysis is a significant part of the process, however other factors and information come to bear on the council's decision. Each situation is discussed on its own merits.

Housing Affordability - Presentation by James Mitchell.
Executive  Director of  Housing Affordability Partnership.
Deals with housing issues across the CRD since late 1990's 
Aligned with Community Social Planning Council of Greater Victoria.
New Project "Working with Neighbourhoods"
Objective: increase awareness and skills to address complex issues of housing affordability.
Request letter of support from RNA –
 have one from Victoria Real Estate Board. - Need total of two for VanCity Savings Credit Union Project Grants ($10,000 for one year; but VanCity may consider multi-year funding later).
Neighbourhood Association that supports the project will have first chance to participate

DM - Another NA might be more appropriate, given our low rate of development
JS - The objectives of HAP may be in direct conflict with the RN Plan.
MH - what sort of strategies are contemplated? Answer: Focus is on clarity and consistency of information.
DC - could we support and then decline to be the lead NA in development of Framework? Answer: yes - In that situation RNA would be given the first opportunity to participate, but would have the opportunity to decline.
HP Receive this for information, and board will discuss and respond within a week.

Downtown Boundary - Presentation by Kevin Key (of the LU strategy Committee)
Objective – determine a boundary for future policy development. - At stake is the "Entrance to Rockland" vs “Back door to Downtown”. What will be the redevelopment pressures in this area?
Change is inevitable; how can we position the Neighbourhood to have a credible voice.
Focus is on Western Rockland. Pentrelew “precinct” has the potential to be functionally part of either Rockland or Downtown.
City will contract a consultant to complete Heritage and Economic Development Analyses by November.
Secondary objective for the LU Strategy Committee is to use this project to build the team and demonstrate their value to RNA.
Next Steps: Provide input to DM within two weeks

(JM, BH left)

Correspondence and E-mails
City: Notice of grants: $4390 matching grant for Garden;  $2230 base grant
Invoice from Jacob De Villiers
E-mail explaining that ticketing of vehicles during music event resulted from an emergency Fire response on Pemberton, not at urging of Government House.
Census request feedback
Grace Lutheran Church detailing new security measures – proactive harm reduction. Offer to host a block watch recognition event.

Business arising
“Query City Solicitor for advice”. - DM followed up. The process: submit question to Mr. Woodland - City Administrator, who then decides  who is the appropriate person to respond.

“Insurance” - Gail Price-Douglas sent a copy of  the Corporate $2,000,000 policy that applies, but it is still not clear on liability for our non-member guests. Occupiers' liability act may apply. Property policy owner may be responsible for incidental injuries, but injury associated with an activity may be the responsibility of the RNA.

New Business
EMR proposes a Survey to determine local issues and priorities.
Look at development issues, given boom time. How do residents feel about these issues - float provocative newsletter articles, or survey research.

DC: need a strategic approach - huge obligation to do it right - two parts - quality information base, (e.g., detailed analysis of census data over the years) followed by well-thought out surveys, with adequate time for considered response.

Helmut Hissen did a survey in 2002 - should do a detailed analysis, or at least follow up with how the information was used.

KK - two approaches - vision-based vs problem solving base. - Don't want to confuse these two complementary approaches.

Could incorporate some "polling" in proposed information sessions late September. Also there is a newsletter coming out about the same time.

Could have flip-charts that pose questions or for hot issues.

Letter of support for Affordable Housing Funding request
Motion: (LF/SBD) that HP draft a letter of support, with qualifications, as discussed. Carried

Committee Reports

Land Use (zoning) –
- MH will draft a broadcast email once date of City planning department’s presentation to council is firm.
-Montgomery development is within current zoning requirements.
-Question posed to Deborah Day: clarificatiion of basement - storey designation, rooftop patio,
-DD may be looking at revisiting all R1A zoning to address some inconsistencies
-Shasta Place renovation seeks variance
-De Villiers letter will be posted to the web site, with notice to LU reps from other associations.
Land Use (strategy) –
– Land Use (Strategy) will organize an Action plan for September 19th meeting.

-Blind e-mail links to committee chairs are now established
-Web site updated - MH as director replacing PK;
-Still to post the de Villiers letter and RNA draft to City

Newsletter -
-Moss Rocks Review carried a repeat of our earlier ad, without consulting RNA - out of date. No invoice, yet.
-Deadline can be extended for 200 word article. Include notice of planned meeting September 19th.

-Fairfield and Vic West and Oaklands Associations have started using the process, with some difficulty on the notice process (confusion arising from the wording)
- may be modified before the one-year change management process.

Garden  –
- Problems with unauthorized work by neighbour. His fears relate to fire hazard associated with the Snowberry stand.

Date and time of next meeting
September 13th, 2006 at 7:00 pm at the Volunteers’ Cottage on Rockland Avenue.
Close of meeting -
Motion: To adjourn     (DC/JW)                Carried    

Meeting adjourned at 22:07