Rockland Neighbourhood Association:  Minutes of the Board

Rockland Neighbourhood Association

Meeting of Board of Directors

July 14th, 2004

Friends of Government House Meeting Room

Directors Present: Catherine Spencer, Helmut Hissen, Dave Clark, Leida-Marie Grant,  Brian Allen, Giorgio Amarilli, Susan Bartol-Drinker, Jane Lunt, Linda Foubister, Ethelyn McInnes-Rankin, Mary Picard.

Regrets: Doris Schuh.

Guest: Councilor Chris Coleman

Meeting called to order at 19:30

1.   Agenda:  Motion to accept: (JL/BA) approval of agenda  Carried

2. Minutes of June 9, 2004:  Motion to accept  (HH/GA)   Carried

3. Councillor's Report: Chris Coleman:
-Recreation Renewal reviewed at Committee of the Whole - social program delivery a hot topic. Consensus to replace the hub facility but further discussion is required on the satellite community centres.

- 824 Richmond public hearing next week ­ September 16th.

- Contacted festival chair for Victoria Day Parade, re: motor scooter packs.
Target the specific group with a message detailing expected behavior.

- Canadian Capital Cities organization meeting in Quebec City - common concerns, unifying traits (e.g., Each have a Government House).  Instill pride of place, attract tourists; potential increase in access to grounds and opening the house.

- Dogs off leash moving forward - 2 tiers of parks - ones that are easily opened to dogs and others that are combination sports fields that require more complex management.

- Discussion on access to GO Woodland; recent fire; urban fire interface;
ACTION: CC will ask fire chief what the fuel management awareness is.
Will report at next meeting.

4. Correspondence:
-  Notice of public hearing 824 Richmond
-  Application for rezoning 500-502 Richmond
- Notice of AGGV Paint-in
- Leadership Development opportunity
- Glenlyon-Norfolk advise new Head-of-School, Simon Bruce-Lockhart

Phone Calls
- 524 St. Charles; successive variances are changing character
- Karen Phillips (former Neighbourhood Watch Block Captain in Ontario);
break-ins on 900 block Pemberton
- CS phone call - big band at Princess Mary, RNA get 10% off, no publicity, commercial enterprise, so no access to free publicity.  Suggest newsletter ad.

- HH has forwarded E-mails stemming from neighbour alerts.
- Speed Bump on Oakshade Lane
- Request traffic speed warning on Lyman Duff
- Resident - asking for information from History Chair re: details of her house.

5.   Committee Reports

Environment -
- No report.

Garden - sign installed
- JS purchased Aruncus, kinnikkinnik
- Metal signs with common names and Latin names installed
- More salvage of Camas bulbs
- photos to come for web site
- Father Anthony, Mike Hannah have done extra work
Discussion: Special effort by volunteers deserves recognition - t-shirts with logo,  ACTION: HH will investigate costs and report

Newsletter -
- "Rockland Review" went out as unaddressed mail (no delivery to those that specify "no Junk Mail"),
- We would like to move towards all-points delivery but would have to publish monthly.
- 2500 copies were printed; $240 for films, $260 for Printing (learned some lessons that could reduce costs next time).
- Canada post for most delivery, with volunteers for western fringe
- Next time, print 1000 extra copies and deliver all by Post, including some adjacent neighbourhoods.
- Aug. 20th copy deadline for next issue.

Motion: (DC/SBD) that the board extend thanks to Helmut, his writers and his volunteers for their persistence in producing a highly professional product.  Carried

Discussion: suggestions for content, advertising revenue. Map of Rockland; Ken Roueche might submit excerpts as promotion for his upcoming book on local history.

- 1322 Rockland - Wei Tu (owner) is preparing a proposal.
- Discussion proposed with Ian Phillips re: issue
- Correspondence relating to the Joan Crescent semi-detached.  Side yard setbacks do not apply to internal distances between buildings. 19,000 square foot lot was large enough to accommodate buildings without variance.
Discussion: Present regulations do not adequately address mass of homes.
City can change the allowable developments. RNA Plan can be revised next time around to reiterate values. Tax relief for conservation covenants on maintaining green space a possible solution?

- changes to the Active Living Guide - publicizes programs at community centres; will roll back from 3 to 2 issues per year.
Discussion on audience and alternate delivery for the (now missing) summer programs issue. HH suggests an information mart from which community newsletters can draw.
- Report of the recreation renewal meeting deemed to be incorrect - request amendment
- CAN discussed their mandate and mission: transportation, Tree Management, Homeless, community development representative; CAN as a clearinghouse for information from other associations, a conduit; place for discussion of issues.

Discussion - are the Neighbourhood and Community Associations the clients of CAN?  If so, are we satisfied with the service?  Should the chair be rotated on an annual basis?  What is the governance structure?  $1500 annual grant comes to Fairfield Community association to provide secretarial support services.
(Compare to Saanich S.C.A.N.)
Suggest a client satisfaction survey to get a read on value for dollars. Some City departments or staff may direct proposals through CAN - to ensure prior discussion or development of consensus. Either CAN should meet on ad hoc basis as issues warrant or members need more skill at chairing meetings effectively.

Land Use Coordinating Committee
- Met June 15th.  Presentation from Alison Meyer of the City Planning Department. Best turnout ever. LUC chairs and other board members. New committee to consist of one seat per association, plus urban design institute, staff representative, council representative for a total of 16+.
- Real task is how community and neighbourhood associations fit into the land use decisions. What principles to be followed, what interfaces, boundaries, protocols, given this relationship; what are the rules of operation. How do developers interact?
- July 20th the planning department will release a discussion document with recommendations. CC to ensure that the proposal is not strictly governance but also includes a survey of critical issues as criteria to benchmark how this system will contribute positively to the discussion.
- Group will form in the fall.  Are we designing a better system or just documenting the existing one?

Traffic and Safety -
- Tour Bus use

Walking Tour Brochure
- Matching grant came through
- John Adams on board to assist.
- Volunteer will assist with digital photos

6. New Business:
- GA: Vehicle theft; Pioneer Square as staging ground for Rockland street crime?
ACTION: CC will follow up with Walter Donald for requested report.

7. Date and Place of Next Meeting:
 September 8th, 2004 at 7:30 p.m. in the Government House Volunteers’ Centre
8. Close of meeting -
Motion: (SBD/LF)   Adjourn    Carried
Meeting closed at 21:50