Rockland Neighbourhood Association:  Minutes of the Board

Rockland Neighbourhood Association

Meeting of the Board of Directors

1401A Rockland Avenue

June 10, 2015


Present:  Janet Simpson (JS), Bob June (BJ), Dave Clark (DC), Sue Simpson (SS), Norman Clark (NC), John Edwards (JE),  Marc Hunter (MH), Vanessa Dingley (VD), Ian Mayhill (IM), Charis and Alex Burke


Absent: Dave McWalter, Stephen Roughley, Pamela Madoff


Meeting called to order at 19:02


·       Agenda

o   Motion to approve (BJ/IM)

§  Carried

o   After the agenda was approved, the following item was added to New Business

§  Grant proposals


·       Minutes of May 13, 2015

o   Motion to approve (BJ/MH)

§  Carried


·       Councillor’s Report

o   No report


·       Business arising

o   Spam

§  SS, DC and IM reported receiving Spam via their RNA e mail addresses

§  No further discussion/work needed

o   Awards

§  After discussion, it was decided that a small group is needed to develop guidelines for determining what these awards should be, how to solicit nominees for the awards, and how to determine who should receive these awards

§  NC, BJ and VD have formed a committee to review this topic

o   Logo/Stationery

§  DC will modify the logo to enhance the acorns on the tree

§  Once done, the new logo will be incorporated into print materials

o   Minutes

§  Format will remain the same

o   Dog event notification/newsletter distribution

§  There was concern that these items have been sent out but not received by all

§  DC will discuss with Don Hamilton

§  It was also suggested that documents be sent as pdf files with an accompanying link to the website rather than sending only the link to the website

o   Newsletter articles due

§  All were submitted and published in the latest edition of the newsletter


·       New Business

o   Garage Sale

§  The fourth annual RNA garage sale will be held on August 15

§  DC is organizing

§  AGGV is allowing the use of their boulevard space


o   Committee Reports

§  Land Use

·       1745 Rockland

o   The third community meeting was held on May 26

o   The developer has scaled back the plans from six units to four

o   The immediate neighbours are in favour of three units

o   It is projected that the developer will submit plans including four units to the Public Land Use Committee (PuLUC)

o   A letter will be sent by JS on behalf of RNA to council and planning

·       AGGV

o   The Gallery is projected to submit plans to PuLUC in late June/early July

o   Potentially eight mature trees will be removed including Garry Oaks and a Douglas Fir

o   There are plans for significant replanting to mitigate the effect of the trees being removed by planting a Garry Oak meadow in the northeast corner of the site

o   Neighbours are concerned about parking during major events

o   DC  met with an AGGV staff member to suggest that the Atlas Cedar and some of the Garry Oaks be carefully harvested and the wood be incorporated into a legacy project (eg., carving)

·     1070 Craigdarroch

o   Plans have been submitted to PuLUC and the Heritage Design Committee

o   Cypress will be saved if possible

·     1618 Richardson

o   Small lot development

o   Proposal is to tear down the existing house and divide the lot

o   Property owners will attend the next RNA LUC meeting

o   There was discussion regarding ways to engage/inform neighbours in proximity to the proposed development

o   DM is researching small lot development; JS will determine RNA position on this topic

·     Pemberton Meadows is sold

§  Communication

·       No update

§  Traffic

·       VD will ask VicPD for incidents along Fort St. to respond to concerns from a resident

§  Social

·       Fresh Air Movie

o   MH did significant legwork and provided a plan for this event

o   Costs range from ~$3000 - $5000

o   Discussion resulted in decision to postpone this event until next year in light of the GH event this year

·       GH Soiree will be on August 7

o   DC and BJ will outline what steps need to be taken for this event

·       Dog Event

o   No one has come forward to volunteer for this event  but this may be due to the fact that the e mail may not have been sent out

§  Welcome

·       No visits this month

·       154 active members

§  Garden

·       The garden is going into its dormant phase

·       Periodic watering and weeding will continue throughout the summer

§  Environment

·       DC will host a Rockland Environment kiosk at the AGGV Paint-in on July 18

o   Volunteers are needed

·       AGGV has offered that RNA have a table at the Paint-in to inform and potentially attract new members

·       DC will gather volunteers to discuss possible grant applications for work along the Rockland greenway (active transport, signage, etc.)

o   Communication

§  Discussion around contacting members in a timely fashion to engage them in areas in which they have expressed interest

§  IM will send a list of members who have shown an interest in being involved

o   Miscellaneous

§  Proposed that board meetings with guest speakers be extended by one half hour, if necessary (BJ)     

·       Motion to approve (DC/SS)

o   Carried

§  Very helpful feedback on RNA matters was received from the Burkes


·       Meeting was adjourned at 20:50 (VD/BJ)


·       Next meeting-September 9, 2015 @ 1401A Rockland