Rockland Neighbourhood Association:  Minutes of the Board


Meeting of the Board of Directors

1401 Rockland Avenue

June 8, 2016


Present:  Janet Simpson (JS), Bob June (BJ), Dave Clark (DC), John Edwards (JE), Marc Hunter (MH), Lawrence Bortoluzzi (LB), Stephen Roughley,


Absent:  Sue Simpson (SS), Norman Clark (NC), Dave McWalter (DM), Vanessa Dingley


Guests:  Pamela Madoff, Aimee Botje


Meeting called to order at 19:00


·       Agenda


o   Motion to approve(LB/SR)

§  Amended to include under New Business:

·       Director appointment,

·       Editorial oversight on newsletter content

·       Back-up for secretary

·       Back-up for Treasurer

·       Back-up for PO Box

·       Posting Reports

·       Bylaw amendments

§  Approved as amended


·       Minutes of May 11, 2016


o   Motion to approve(JE/DC)

§  Approved


·       Councillor’s Report (PM)


o   Topics are included in the June Update of Rockland-What’s Happening in your Neighbourhood and include:

§  Pop-up meetings for Parks Master Plan, and Crystal Pool future

§  Community and land Use Committee Process Meetings

§  Regulation of Medical Marijuana Outlets

·       Presenting difficulties, as there are already 30+ dispensaries e.g., how will proximity requirements be decided?

·       BJ: VCAN opposed to regulation through rezoning; rather, use temporary permits.

·       PM such permits are for 3 years, with an option for a single 3 year extension.

§  Great Neighbourhood Grants – new deadline for applications is July 24

§  Demolition and Tree Removal Permits

·       Staff is working to incorporate these into “PlaceSpeak” notification system


o   Stanley Avenue Proposal

§  Council heard the presentation, now PM and others are working on a path to mitigation. They will submit their analysis to staff for consideration.

o   Regulation of Air B & B, and Uber are to be considered tomorrow by Council.

§  SR working on Provincial level committee

§  Two issues – tax revenue and associated protections, and the impact on housing availability, especially for service industry workers.




·       New Business


o   Board vacancy

Motion (BJ/LB) to appoint Aimee Botje to the board.      Carried, unanimously

§  BJ – be thinking about recruitment of new board members for next year

o   Editorial oversight on newsletter content

§  There is currently no policy regarding newsletter content, but it is distributed by the list serve, the policy of which states that will not be used to express personal opinions.

§  Articles that support the goals of the constitution are acceptable

§  The newsletter seeks to build both awareness and engagement.

Motion (DC/AB) The communications Chair review the content of the newsletter before it is published, and flag questionable articles for peer review by the Board. Carried, unanimously

o   Back-up for secretary

§  SS concerned that her periodic absences are creating undue hardship on her back-up. DC assures her that that is not the case. Taking notes during the meeting is a small portion of the overall duties of secretary.

o   Back-up for Treasurer

§  NC wishes to resign as Treasurer.

§  JE suggested as replacement for the duration of the year. Thanks to Norm, and acknowledgement of the innovation and diligence he has brought to the position. Important to document his procedures and ensure a smooth hand-off to his successor.

o   Back-up for PO Box

§  IM primary responsibility handed over to VD for the summer

o   Posting Reports

§  New procedure of submitting committee reports to board members prior to board meetings is working well, but need to capture the main points in the minutes for the benefit of the membership and other interested parties.

§  Suggest that committee chairs submit a two-part report: first, a bulleted summary for the minutes, followed by background details for the benefit of the board and committee members.

o   Bylaw ammendments

§  JS review of constitutions and bylaws of various Associations reveals that most have term limits for Presidents, but not necessarily for other officers and directors.

§  ACTION – add this to discussion at semi-annual strategic board meeting scheduled for October.


·       Calendar of important dates for the summer

o   June CRA filing, GST rebate application

o   July renew general liability insurance

o   September board meeting, renew Heritage Hallmark Society membership.


·       Committee reports submitted previously

o   Land Use

§  1745 Rockland

·       Revised proposal calls for three one-level homes with flat roofs and basements. Sub-division would create one panhandle lot with three stratas. If rezoning is approved, proponent will pursue a variance

§  750 Pemberton

o   PM has meeting with proponent. Current approach is to use the Design Development Permit process.

§  1201 Fort Street

·       DM and LB attended an on-site meeting with the developers, architects and neighbours.

·       Neighbours plan to meet June 12th to learn more about process and options.

§  1737 Rockland – variance application to address an existing patio.

§  Local Area Plan for Fort Street / Oak Bay Avenue corridor will be a joint Process with Fernwood Community Association. JS will initiate a discussion within the LUC to clarify RNA’s values and priorities, and potential issues prior to entering the planning process.

§  City initiating policy on density bonus for areas outside of the city core.

·       $5 per square foot for density in excess of the Floor Space Ratio of 1:1

·       Revenue generated would fund amenities in the affected neighbourhood.

o   Communication

§  Web site renewal

·       IM and AB will continue to explore options for web page design over the remainder of the year. IM will offer ongoing assistance to webmaster DH.


o   Social

§  MH has met with John Hughes to provide additional details on the event currently planned for the evening of August 13th. Craigdarroch Castle Society has pledged $1000 towards the cost. It will support membership drives for both of our organizations. Capacity of the site is 1000.

§  SR will assist in developing and implementing communications and publicity for the event, linked to publicity for the Yard Sale event scheduled for the following weekend.

§  Discussion – Keep it family-oriented; entice non-members, renters; craft the message to make it inclusive.

§  Motion: Reiterate that the featured movie be “Ever After” (BJ/DC) carried unanimously


o   Environment

§  DC met with Parks and Recreation department managers Leigh Campbell and Brooke Stark, to follow up on their presentation to the board last November, present our committee’s Terms of Reference, discuss Local Area Planning and the Rockland Greenway signage project.

§  Parks managers will set up a meeting between themselves, Rockland Neighbourhood representatives and City Planning staff to explore the upcoming LAP process for Rockland, and how it will address environmental objectives.

§  The department's current focus is on the Parks Master Plan, and Parks staff will be disseminating information and engaging residents through June and July. The Master Plan will serve to guide aspects of the Local Area Planning (LAP) process.

o   Welcome

§  Two visits, with lots more on the horizon, given recent volume of sales.


·       Meeting was adjourned at 20:58 (DC/LB)


·       Next Board Meeting-September 14, 2016 @ 1401A Rockland