Rockland Neighbourhood Association:  Minutes of the Board

Rockland Neighbourhood Association

Meeting of Board of Directors
January 21, 2004
Friends of Government House Meeting Room

Directors Present:  Catherine Spencer, Dave Clark, Leida-Marie Grant,
Brian Allen, Susan Bartol-Drinker, Helmut Hissen,
Kathryn LeSueur, Ethelyn McInnes-Rankin, Cecilia Peters.

Directors Absent:  Doris Schuh, Jane Lunt, Leigh Large, Frank Ryan, Pam Tobin,
Walter Yeo.

Guest:  Councillor Chris Coleman.

Meeting called to order at 19:32

1.  Agenda:  Motion: (KL/LMG) approval of agenda   Carried

2. Minutes of December 3, 2003: Amendments: (Spelling errors: Koch, LeSueur)
Motion:  (EMR/KL:) approve minutes as amended.    Carried

3. Financial Report:  (written report ­ Doris Schuh unable to attend.)

General Account    $4676.42
Base Funding Account $1006.71
Garden Account  $2090.98
Monument Account  $  814.60

Motion:  (HH/BA) approval of the financial report.   Carried

4. Correspondence:
Notice of CAN meeting
Notice of formation of new Victoria - Esquimalt Harbour Society
Notice from City - Recreation open house at Fernwood Community Centre Feb. 2nd
Chris Coleman sent regrets ­ expecting to attend Land Conservancy Fund Raiser

Telephone calls -
promote Victoria Ballet - referred to HH for Newsletter
from a survey to clarify our address

5. Councillor's Report: Chris Coleman was able to attend.
- Dogs off-leash areas initiative moving forward.
- Emergency services relating to homeless - Feb 24th opening the Assessment
and Sobering Centre under VI Health Authority with funding from many areas. Able to open former Silver Threads space.  They have moved to Sandy Meriman House - band-aid solution to buy time for the more permanent solutions.  The cold
weather brought to light that the regional homeless population is double the previous estimates, most in Victoria proper.  Need to support the housing industry, not the homeless industry (emergency shelters address the latter).
- Friday is deadline for applications to sit on City Advisory Boards.
Requires a letter of intent and resume.  Board vacancies include ­
Athletic, Planning and Advisory, Parks and Recreation, Downtown, etc.

6. Committee Reports:

 Community Association Network:  no report

 Garden:  Ethelyn McInnes-Rankin/Dave Clark

- Presented background information and subcommittee's recommendations for Sign (materials, wording) and Railing.

Motion:  (LMG/SBD:) Text to read: "Rockland Woodland Garden" with
                "Rockland" prominent, "woodland garden" on the next line.      Carried

Motion:  (EMR/DC:) Proceed immediately to commission the sign, to be made from Squamish-area granite, using funds from the Monument account, up to $800.
Discussion followed.

Amendment:  (BA/DC) to present the plan in the Garden Committee report to the AGM prior to proceeding with expenditure.      Amendment carried  (2 opposed)

Amended motion:  Carried

- Railing:
Consulted with Father Anthony.  Site visit from contractor generated an estimate of $1776, plus GST, plus finishing.  Other estimates to follow
Potential liability issue - CC: Greenways as possible funding source?
CC will take forward to Mike Leskiw to see how the cost could be brought down.

 Environment:  no report

 Land Use:  Leida-Marie Grant
- Written Land Use committee report circulated.

- Revived application for panhandle lot at 910 Richmond. (Development variance application was tabled on July 24th.)   Following staff discussion, proponent has modified the location of the proposed house to move it an additional 8 feet away from the neighbour.  Process now complete.

- 1020 St. Charles Manor - recommendation.  New plans are going to City, not to RNA Board.  Applicants had wished to address the Board but should come to Land Use. Committee.  We are unsure what "Community amenities" the proponent proposes to provide.
-ACTION:  get back to the applicant and have them outline in more detail what they propose.  May be linked as part of a package to encourage acceptance of their development proposal.

-969 Joan Crescent - 2 houses are being built, replacing a 1960's rancher.
No variances required; enough land for a legal subdivision.

- Zebra Design letter - 824 Richmond. "Met with Brian Sikstrom".
Will be dealt with next meeting.

 Social: no report

Strategic Plan:  Walt Yeo
- Some modifications to the document to move it from draft to final; appended the newsletter article (Appendix 2)
- Target audience is the next board.
- Additional steps - next Board can decide to modify, or extend the scope to embrace the association, not just the board.
- Post the newsletter article to the web

Motion:  (BA/DC:) Vote of thanks to Walt for his work                     Carried
Motion:  (HH/BA:) acceptance of this document as the Strategic Plan of the current board.                 Carried

Newsletter: Helmut Hissen
- Need more material - not enough for a smaller format.  Received strategic planning and message from the President - heavy to the association but not enough interesting content for the envisioned newsletter.  Proposed popular articles.  "How Rockland got its name".
- Centerfold of an airphoto mosaic of the entire Rockland Neighbourhood in B&W
- Will defer publication until after AGM.

(WY left the meeting at 8:00 p.m.)
(CC left the meeting at 8:10 p.m.)
 Traffic and Safety: no report

Land Use Coordinating Committee:  Helmut Hissen
- Representatives met December 9th with Jack Basey, Doug Koch,
Brian Sikstrom, Irwin Henderson, Paul Girard, Blair Humphreys.
HH and CC unable to attend
- Feedback from several attendees was that the meeting between LUUC and the planners was constructive.
- Collecting Terms of Reference and Procedures for all zoning committees in Victoria to look for conflicts and similarities.  Objective is to standardize forms and letter templates.
* Next meeting Tuesday, at Fairfield Community Centre.

Annual General Meeting:
- Scheduled for February 3rd at the Victoria Truth Centre.
- Invitations to Mayor and Council, Police Chief, City Planners, Herb Leroy, (Government House), Craigdarroch Castle, Art Gallery.
- KL  - set up the membership table to facilitate fast flow - possibly 2 tables.
- Reports from Committee Chairs required for printing by next Wednesday.
- Speaker: Adrian Round on Neptune and Venus sensor systems being installed offshore for monitoring, experimentation and earthquake/plate tectonics study.  Suggest 25 minute presentation first, (start at 7:30),
the business meeting to start at 8:00
- Scruitineers will be appointed
- Nominating committee: LMG, JS and Mike Hannah - proposes three new directors: Georgio Amarilli, Linda Foubister, Mary Picard.
- Not seeking re-election - LMG, LL, KL, CP, FR, CS, PT, WY.
- No nominees for President.  (Bylaws state that, in the event no successor is elected, the person previously elected shall continue to hold office).
- Vice President - HH
- Secretary - DC
- Treasurer - DS

Motion:  (DC/LMG) $100 honorarium to the Truth Centre for the meeting place and $100 donation to the Craigdarroch Castle for the hospitality for our Social last November.                  Carried

Thanks expressed to outgoing directors and officers.

7.  Date and Place of Next Meeting:
 March 10, 2004 at 7:30 p.m. in the Government House Volunteers’ Centre.
 Bring a flashlight.

8. Close of meeting -
Motion: (BA/DC) Adjourn  Carried  Meeting closed at 21:28