Rockland Neighbourhood Association:  Minutes of the Board
Minutes of Meeting of Board of Directors
January 12th, 2005

Directors Present: Catherine Spencer, Helmut Hissen, Dave Clark, Doris Schuh,
Leida-Marie Grant, Giorgio Amarilli, Susan Bartol-Drinker, Linda Foubister,
Ethelyn McInnes-Rankin.

Regrets: Brian Allen, Jane Lunt, Mary Picard.

Meeting called to order at 19:30.

1.  Agenda:  Motion to accept: (EMR/GA)     Carried

2. Minutes of December 8, 2004:  Motion to accept (DS/SBD)  Carried

3. Financial Report
General account  $4574.06
Matching account  $1937.37
Garden account  $1371.05
Walk brochure account $2000.00

Motion to accept (DS/LF)      Carried

Cheques to be issued to
Craigdarroch Castle - $100 honorarium for hosting November social
Truth Centre - $100 honorarium for hosting Annual General Meeting

4. Correspondence:
- 3 sets of minutes from City Hall
- Friends of Government House - calendar of upcoming events
- Car Share Group - request to meet with Transportation and Environment Committees
- GA talked with Paul Thompson, new owner of "Illihie", a heritage designated home on St. Charles. Plans to renovate, configuring to fewer, high end rental apartments.

5. Chris Coleman Report
* City Planning review report will soon be available for comment. The anticipated direction may require neighbourhood plans to be more specific in the wording of their design guidelines
* Municipal Amalgamation - a citizens' group is working to bring this forward.
* Dogs in Parks - 5 parks to open by March 2005; some other areas will be designated dog-free (e.g., Ross Bay Cemetery)
* Orientation for new City Committee members is being held tonight. Helmut Hissen has been appointed to the Advisory Planning Commission.
* Adaptable Housing Regulations are coming soon, modeled after Saanich. Changes to building codes for new construction to facilitate "aging in place"
(e.g., wider minimum door widths to permit wheelchair access)
* Snow clearing requirement for Woodland Garden - CC will seek an opinion. Primary responsibility is with the City (owner), Secondary to the Lessee (RNA). Craigdarroch Castle has an interest due to their pedestrian traffic.
* Housing Trust Fund - start-up funds from developments and other sources will be used to assist affordable housing initiatives. May be rolled into a larger Regional District initiative.

6. Committee Reports

- No report

City responded to concerns expressed over BC Hydro's response time to graffiti - Volunteers may pick up materials from City Hall and City will pass the cost on to BC Hydro.

(HH arrived at 8:30 PM)

Garden - EMR
- Janet Simpson will write up the committee annual report.
- Bill Birney is developing an image bank for the RNA web site

Land Use -  (report by BA)
- Ms. Wei Tu is refining development proposal and hopes to present it to City Planning Department on Friday, January 14th.
Newsletter -
- The RNA news in the Fairfield Observer, was distributed January 2-4, 2005.
- Cost to RNA was $400
- Deadline for next submission is early March.

Social -
- The November event was attended by 60 people
- Costs included $1200 for catering, $250 for notification, $100 for the facility.
Discussion - may be too expensive. Suggestions included a change of venue (back to Government House); less costly food; and a change in timing (daylight, outdoors).

- Frank Hess responded to our stated position - he will cheerfully pursue his vision independently.
- Cheryl Masters responded for the City - OK in principle to restrict motor vehicle traffic.
- Greenways implications - Parks will respond at a later date...

Walking Tour
- LF working to get links to the Rockland Walking Tour web page on other related web sites
- Hope that the brochure can be printed in time for distribution at the AGM in February.

Land Use Coordinating Committee
- Doug Rhodes (Hillside Neighbourhood) will be new Chair
- Bonus Density discussed - Developers contribute to Housing Trust Fund in exchange for variances.
- Tree bylaw to be reviewed and revised by Parks Department
- CALUCC is the new formal entity that includes one representative from each Neighbourhood/Community Association, plus City representatives.
- LUCC will continue as an informal group.

7. Annual General Meeting:
- February 2nd at the Truth Centre
- Nominating committee: LMG, EMR and Walter Yeo.
Proposed slate to DC by January 19th
- Committee Reports to CS by January 19th
- Keynote speaker: Linda Foubister, on the new Heritage Walking Tour.
- Association members must have paid for the 2005 calendar year to have voting privileges
- CS to recruit Scrutineers
- DS, DC, SBD and GA will take registrations

8. Date and Place of Next Meeting
 February 9, 2005 at 7:30 p.m. in the Government House Volunteers’ Centre
9. Close of meeting -
Motion: To adjourn        Carried

Meeting closed at 21:28.